Sovereigns Unity Conclave. Divisional Eusebius visit
On Saturday 3rd June 2017, I attended Sovereign’s Unity Conclave No 406, I represented the Intendent General Ill. Kt. Michael Walker, who is recuperating at home after a period of
Time in hospital, after surgery.
This conclave is made up of Sovereigns and Past Sovereigns from all over the Division and I encourage all those Worthy Knights to join, in order to further enjoy the company of our fellow Knights.
The Acting Most Puissant Sovereign, Ill. Kt. Graham Williams, occupied the Chair, whilst V.Ill Kt Ken Shaw acted as High Prelate. They looked around the Conclave, to find a Knight to occupy the Viceroy’s chair, when the Marshalls eyes fell upon me. Fortunately, Graham then conducted the Consecration of Brian Bawden and Enthronement of Ron Pearson into their respective Offices. The proceedings of the Conclave were carried out in a correct and timely manner and enjoyed by all present.
At 1pm, we retired to the Festive Board. It looked beautiful as it was set out for A Wedding at 3pm. Our meal consisted of Prawn Cocktail, Lamb Henry and Chocolate Fudge Cake with Cream, followed by coffee.
In response to the toast to my health, I explained that my Son’s partner Ashlee and her Mother had been caught up in the Manchester bombings and were in fact both seriously ill in hospital, with burns and deep shrapnel wounds and that Ashlee’s 8-year-old sister Saffie, had tragically died at the scene.
I went on to say to the Knights, how proud I was of Freemasonry, to donate £10,000 from East Lancashire, matched by £10,000 from West Lancashire and a further £80,000 from other Provinces. Whilst others chose to self-promote themselves in Manchester, our fraternity did what they do best, quietly getting on with helping those most in need. I pray for all those killed and injured in the terrorist atrocities, their families and wish them a speedy recovery and peace in their lives.
Iain Brown
Div. Eusebius